If you are interested in working with Everfield, it is best to start by familiarizing yourself with our books. You may review our titles online on this website. We also recommend that you check out our books at your local library or bookstore to get a feel for our tone and style.
We DO NOT accept:
If your project is in any of the above formats, it is not right for us—even if content themes overlap with those we publish on.
We DO accept:
Need: Why is the book needed? How is it different from similar available titles?
Purpose: Who will use the book? How will they use it?
Quality: Is the project well written and researched? Is the style similar to that of our other award-winning, jargon-free, solution-focused titles?
Relevance: Is the subject matter appropriate for our list? Does it compete with or complement other available titles from Free Spirit?
While we do our best to offer timely feedback on your project, the high volume of proposals we receive dictates a reply time of 2–6 months